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Open Water


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Open Water tells the story of a couple, Daniel and Susan who are mistakenly left behind in the ocean after a charter dive trip. As implausible as the plot may seem, it is in fact based on true events when a member of the charter company accidentally counts the same divers twice. What’s left is a harrowing sequence of events that leaves the main characters stranded in open water for more than a day.

While the trailers, posters, and packaging suggest aspects of a thriller – an ocean full of sharks and barracudas – what gets missed is the dialogue and development of the main characters. As their situation becomes a reality to them they must rationalize their ultimate safety and keep each other emotionally positive. But throughout there is the constant threat of nature’s predators that keep them (and the viewer) on edge. And don’t even try to predict what happens.

What makes this movie so impressive though, is the story behind it. Watch the special features on the DVD and you’ll discover the efforts put into it. This is an indie film made by a husband and wife team that was picked up by Lions Gate Films. It was entirely financed by the couple -- he worked a full-time job – and they flew (themselves and the two actors) and filmed on weekends and holidays over two and half years. There were no stunt doubles and because they couldn’t afford special effects, they used wild sharks.

I only have two knocks against it. First, the introduction of the characters and everything up until the point of being on the boat is awkward. The actors are new and unknown and this may play a part of them having little or no chemistry during these scenes. Second, the filmmakers decided early on to film digitally to reduce their production costs. You can tell. All of the land shots have a cheap, internet-type feel to them. In fact, there are some shots that look as if they were made with a web-cam. Thankfully, once they’re in the water this impression fades.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

I almost died watching this...serious fear of sharks...edge of seat kinda shite!!
I couldn't tell ya if it was good or not, because I couldn't get past the whole "hey, was that a shark taking a nibble out of my calf?" part of it... :eek:


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