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Bad Boys


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Anyone know who Jesse Hogan is playing for this year?

Man, 25, accused of Net stock fraud
The Province

John Bermingham The Province
An unemployed 25-year-old from Burnaby has become the first person charged with Internet stock fraud in B.C.

Investigators from the B.C. Securities Commission claim that Jesse Hogan made $23,000 from a so-called pump-and-dump scheme in four penny stocks during 2000.

"He was pumping up stock that he had bought on the Net and selling it when people were buying," Sasha Angus, the BCSC's director of enforcement, said Friday.

Hogan bought the stocks in U.S. and Canadian trading accounts. Then he allegedly promoted them in messages on the Yahoo and Silicon Investor bulletin boards.

Hogan is alleged to have used a variety of names, all claiming that the stock was on the rise and urging people to to buy.

"When the price started to rise he would sell. He was defrauding people of their money," said Angus.

Hogan is on holiday in Texas and could not be reached.

His brother Luke Hogan, 23, said the regulators are trying to make an example of his brother. "He's a small fish compared to all the institutions. They probably do things 100 times worse."

"The [regulators] go after small people who they can pick on."

He said Jesse got into Internet stock-trading as an accounting student in 1998.

He said his brother didn't promote stocks, but posted information he got from corporate websites.

"He attached financial data. The finances were sound," said Hogan.

In the U.S., the Securities and Exchange Commission has carried out a number of Internet "sweeps" against fraudulent stock-pushers.

The most famous was 15-year-old Grade 8 student Jonathan Lebed of New Jersey, who became a celebrity when he was charged with Internet fraud. Lebed was fined more than $400,000 but allowed to keep $750,000 of his ill-gotten gains.

B.C. securities regulators want to remove Hogan's trading privileges and fine him.

Hogan has been ordered to appear at a hearing Sept. 19.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Good Signing for PEG

The Hogan brothers should hook up with Fraank M., PEG would be set for years to come.

Speaking of Hogans, Where is the Hulkster these days?


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